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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Farrow \Far"row\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Farrowed; p. pr. & vb. n. Farrowing.] To bring forth (young); -- said only of swine.

Usage examples of "farrowed".

I had calved cows and farrowed sows till my arms ached and the skin peeled off, I had been knocked down, trampled on and sprayed liberally with every kind of muck.

At Caere a pig had been farrowed with two heads, and a lamb yeaned which was both male and female.

If the syphilitic sow who farrowed you knew your father's name, why have you refrained from identifying your house?

The livestock consisted of half a dozen large crates of fowls, twenty sows, two of which had farrowed during the voyage, five boars, and three goats.

She had, since first her father had married her to Komees Hari and she had learned of her noble husband's love for both the boy and the half-kindred peasant who had farrowed him, actively hated them both almost as much as she hated her coarse, barbaric heathen spouse.