a. (obsolete spelling of far English)
Farre or Farré is a surname, and may refer to:
- Arthur Farre
- Frederic John Farre
- Mariella Farré
- Rowena Farre
Usage examples of "farre".
Wherupon innumerable strangers resorted from farre Countries, adventuring themselves by long journies on land and by great perils on water, to behold this glorious virgin.
For I know one not farre hence that was cruelly handled by them, who being not contented with cutting off his nose, did likewise cut off his eares, whereat all the people laughed heartily, and looked at one that sate at the boords end, who being amased at their gazing, and somewhat angry withall, would have risen from the table, had not Byrrhena spake unto him and sayd, I pray thee friend Bellerophon sit still and according to thy accustomed curtesie declare unto us the losse of thy nose and eares, to the end that my cousin Lucius may be delighted with the pleasantnes of the tale.
When she came in she declared from the beginning to the end the abhomination of this woman: but shee had scarce ended her tale, when opening her falling lips, and grinding her teeth together, she fell downe dead before the face of the Judge, who incontinently to try the truth of the matter, caused the cursed woman, and her servants to be pulled out of the house, and enforced by paine of torment to confesse the verity, which being knowne, this mischievous woman farre lesse then she deserved, but because there could be no more cruell a death invented for the quality of her offence, was condemned to be eaten with wild beasts.
His wonder farre exceeded reasons reach,That he began to doubt his dazeled sight,And oft of error did himselfe appeach:Flesh without bloud, a person without spright,Wounds without hurt, a bodie without might,That could doe harme, yet could not harmed bee,That could not die, yet seem'd a mortall wight,That was most strong in most infirmitee.
His sonne Riuallo his dead roome did supply,In whose sad time bloud did from heauen raine:Next great Gurgustus, then faire CæcilyIn constant peace their kingdomes did containe,After whom Lago, and Kinmarke did raine,And Gorbogud, till farre in yeares he grew:Then his ambitious sonnes vnto them twaineArraught the rule, and from their father drew,Stout Ferrex and sterne Porrex him in prison threw.
O stay thy hand, for yonder is no gameFor thy fierce arrowes, them to exercize,But loe my Lord, my liege, whose warlike name,Is farre renowmd through many bold emprize.
And oft, when Coridon vnto her broughtOr litle sparrowes, stolen from their nest,Or wanton squirrels, in the woods farre sought,Or other daintie thing for her addrest,He would commend his guift, and make the best.
So trauelling, he chaunst far off to heedA Damzell, flying on a palfrey fastBefore two Knights, that after her did speedWith all their powre, and her full fiercely chastIn hope to haue her ouerhent at last:Yet fled she fast, and both them farre outwent,Carried with wings of feare, like fowle aghast,With locks all loose, and rayment all to rent.
Ah woe is me, and well away (quoth hee)Bursting forth teares, like springs out of a banke,That euer I this dismall day did see:Full farre was I from thinking such a pranke.
But thou good man, sith farre in sea we bee,And the great waters gin apace to swell,That now no more we can the maine-land see,Haue care, I pray, to guide the cock-bote well,Least worse on sea then vs on land befell.
Tho to him yode,And him saluting, as beseemed best,Gan first inquire of tydings farre abrode.
But the good man, nought tempted with the offerOf his rich mould, did thrust it farre away,And thus bespake.
The better part now of the lingring day,They traueild had, when as they farre espideA wearie wight forwandring by the way,And towards him they gan in hast to ride,To weet of newes, that did abroad betide,Or tydings of her knight of the Redcrosse.
Who when as now long time he lacked hadThe good Sir Calepine, that farre was strayd,Did wexe exceeding sorrowfull and sad,As he of some misfortune were afrayd:And leauing there this Ladie all dismayd,Went forth streightway into the forrest wyde,To seeke, if he perchance a sleepe were layd,Or what so else were vnto him betyde:He sought him farre and neare, yet him no where he spyde.
But Florimell her selfe was farre away,Driuen to great distresse by Fortune straunge,And taught the carefull Mariner to play,Sith late mischaunce had her compeld to chaungeThe land for sea, at randon there to raunge:Yet there that cruell Queene auengeresse,Not satisfide so farre her to estraungeFrom courtly blisse and wonted happinesse,Did heape on her new waues of weary wretchednesse.