The Collaborative International Dictionary
Far \Far\, adv.
To a great extent or distance of space; widely; as, we are separated far from each other.
To a great distance in time from any point; remotely; as, he pushed his researches far into antiquity.
In great part; as, the day is far spent.
In a great proportion; by many degrees; very much; deeply; greatly. Who can find a virtuous woman ? for her price is far above rubies. --Prov. xxxi. 10. As far as, to the extent, or degree, that. See As far as, under As. Far off.
At a great distance, absolutely or relatively.
Distant in sympathy or affection; alienated. ``But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who some time were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.''
--Eph. ii. 13.Far other, different by a great degree; not the same; quite unlike.
--Pope.Far and near, at a distance and close by; throughout a whole region.
Far and wide, distantly and broadly; comprehensively. ``Far and wide his eye commands.''
--Milton.From far, from a great distance; from a remote place.
Note: Far often occurs in self-explaining compounds, such as far-extended, far-reaching, far-spread.
Usage examples of "far other".
But to a Genevan magistrate, whose mind was occupied by far other ideas than those of devotion and heroism, this elevation of mind had much the appearance of madness.
In some instances, to the quick, observant eye, those linear marks, as in a veritable engraving, but afford the ground for far other delineations.