Fantastica is a 1980 French-Canadian musical film directed by Gilles Carle. It was entered into the 1980 Cannes Film Festival. An English-language dialogue dubbed version of the film was broadcast on Superchannel, a pay-TV channel in western Canada in the early 1980s.
Usage examples of "fantastica".
And that's something quite unusual even in Fantastica, because ordinarily will-o'-the-wisps make others lose their way.
But since these giants had been there a long time - they lived to a greater age than most of the inhabitants of Fantastica - those mountains had come, over the years, to look very strange - like an enormous Swiss cheese, full of holes and grottoes.
Moreover, not all the inhabitants of Fantastica were good and honorable, there were also thieving, wicked, and cruel ones.
It would have been useless for such purposes, and the Childlike Empress required no such protection, because in all the unbounded reaches of Fantastica there was no one who would have thought of attacking her.
For at the center of the Labyrinth there now appeared, shimmering in fairy whiteness, the Ivory Tower, the heart of Fantastica and the residence of the Childlike Empress.
The four hundred and ninety-nine best doctors in Fantastica had assembled there and were whispering or mumbling with one another in groups of varying sizes.
Just then the five hundredth doctor, the most famous in all Fantastica, whose knowledge was said to embrace every existing medicinal herb, every magic philtre and secret of nature, was examining the patient.
To be sure, a good many of the inhabitants of Fantastica were more or less human in appearance, but at least as many resembled animals or were even farther from the human.
The one thing we know is that the destruction of Fantastica began at the same time as this illness.
And the more Atreyu learned of the menace facing Fantastica, the more his face, which at first had been so impassive, expressed unveiled horror.
Out of the starlight they made wonderfully decorative objects, the purpose of which, however, was known to no one in all Fantastica but their makers.
Nothing and no one in all Fantastica would deflect it from that trail.
But unfortunately he was not in Fantastica, where his talents were needed and would even have won him friends and admirers.
But he was engaged in the Great Quest: the life of the Childlike Empress and of all Fantastica was at stake.
If she doesn't get one, she will die and all Fantastica with her — you too, Ygramul.