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fan clubs

n. (plural of fan club English)

Usage examples of "fan clubs".

In this area we may have to create a subdivision, since not all of the 160 fan clubs could, in all fairness, be considered completely personal.

He'd even arranged for Jes's fan clubs to find out where she was being held, just so they'd be sure to protest outside the Tower in force, and act as a distraction.

We just got the governor of Michigan to be president of the International Whiz Kid Fan Clubs and he's on the other wire.

Getting an animal killed by the locals-not just any animal, but a beloved environmental dog with his own weekly tri-vee show, and fan clubs of adoring kids on every human-occupied planet-no, Beeks.

She is so involved in Trekdom that she can pick up the phone just once and contact I don't know how many meticulously organized Star Trek fan clubs.

He and Ann had never been charter members of each other's fan clubs.