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The Collaborative International Dictionary

familiarized \familiarized\ adj. having become familiar.

Syn: adjusted, acquainted.


vb. (en-past of: familiarize)


adj. having achieved a comfortable relationship with your environment [syn: adjusted, familiarised]

Usage examples of "familiarized".

He attended many services, and after he had familiarized himself with some of the writings of Father Jacobus, and taken to heart some of their talks, he became fully aware of how phenomenal this Christianity was -- a religion that through the centuries had so many times become unmodern and outmoded, antiquated and rigid, but had repeatedly recalled the sources of its being and thereby renewed itself, once again leaving behind those aspects which in their time had been modern and victorious.

And in the course of this work Knecht familiarized himself, with increasing affection, with this elite whom he had imagined he knew so well.

I had hoped that Geneva was familiarized to such a degree of liberty, that they might without difficulty or danger fill up the measure to its maximum.

Under this uncertainty, the Secretary of State thinks it his duty to submit alternative plans, that the House may, at their will, adopt either the one or the other, exclusively, or the one for the present and the other for a future time, when the public mind may be supposed to have become familiarized to it.

After a given term, for instance, it might begin in the custom-houses, where the merchants would become familiarized to it.

Considering the amount of time you spent in our library, I suspect you have already familiarized yourself with much of it, and will be able to use it in a more constructive endeavor than trying to defeat me in combat.