n. (context dialect English) family.
Usage examples of "fambly".
But a fella shouldn't butt his head in where a fambly got fambly stuff.
They's a ladies' committee a-comin', an' the fambly ain't gonna be frawny when they get here.
But it makes folks happy to see a girl in a fambly way makes folks sort of giggly an' happy.
Then, renewing his explanation to Kennedy, 'I kin see that I don't purvide fur my fambly ez I ought ter do, through hatin' work and lovin' to play the fiddle.
Ah oughtn’ tell nobody, but you is our fambly an’ you is de onlies’ one Ah kin tell.
Hitched the hosses to the wagon and got my fambly here safe but never thought we'd make it!
Didn't I change you off, en give you a good fambly en a good name, en made you a white gen'l'man en rich, wid store clothes on—en what did I git for it?