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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Falsity \Fal"si*ty\, n.;pl. Falsities. [L. falsitas: cf. F. fausset['e], OF. also, falsit['e]. See False, a.]

  1. The quality of being false; coutrariety or want of conformity to truth.

    Probability does not make any alteration, either in the truth or falsity of things.

  2. That which is false; falsehood; a lie; a false assertion.

    Men often swallow falsities for truths.
    --Sir T. Brown.

    Syn: Falsehood; lie; deceit.

    Usage: Falsity, Falsehood, Lie. Falsity denotes the state or quality of being false. A falsehood is a false declaration designedly made. A lie is a gross, unblushing falsehood. The falsity of a person's assertion may be proved by the evidence of others and thus the charge of falsehood be fastened upon him.


n. (plural of falsity English)