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false witness

n. 1 (context countable English) A perjurer; a deceptive or misleading witness. 2 (context uncountable countable English) Deceptive public statements.

false witness

n. a person who deliberately gives false testimony [syn: perjurer]

False Witness

False Witness (also known as The Diplomat in the UK and US) is an Australian television mini-series produced by Screentime Australia for the Australian subscription television channel UK.TV. Commissioned as part of its required drama output, UK.TV has previously made Make or Break and Supernova.

The two-part mini-series premiered in Australia on both UK.TV and BBC HD on 11 and 12 January 2009.

Usage examples of "false witness".

Nor yet should any one on this account suppose he has not broken this commandment if he has borne false witness only against himself.

That they meddle in politics and pimp for the kings, lie and cheat and bear false witness against us!

The fires of the avenging Orcus burst forth against the false witness of my accusers!

Thus, since religion bore false witness to the Divine, religion was blasphemy.