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fallen off

vb. (past participle of fall off English)

Usage examples of "fallen off".

The wind had fallen off, and it seemed that the island in the path of the sword's tip grew no closer.

She saw the diagnostic probe had fallen off Grabowski and scrambled over the floor to grab it.

From the distant Semk camps to the north, the rituals of mourning had fallen off, leaving naught but ominous silence.

They decided Andy had fallen off the stepladder while getting a chandelier down from the ceiling.

Particularly since, having come to our city while fairly young, they remembered everything rather confusedly, including the death of their mother, who had fallen off a precipice just after the ascent of the first mountain.

That the young fool had risen to his current place was a sign that the quality of the opposition had fallen off.

With the death of the officer at her controls she had fallen off with the wind, but I quickly brought her up again and, setting her at half speed, her bow toward the ships of Helium, I locked the controls and left her.

They drove straight to the door of the chief hotel (which Oliver used to stare up at with awe, and think a mighty palace, but which had somehow fallen off in grandeur and size).

He did not yet dare to express his joy fully, but he was in a fever of excitement as though a ton-weight had fallen off his heart.

Reynolds reached the goal first, but when he looked round he found that he had lost his fair companion, who had fallen off in the race!