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n. (alternative spelling of fallout English)

Usage examples of "fall-out".

It is an old dream, this desire to say, No more, Never again, to build a society cleansed of the old compulsions and corruptions, the ancient, vicious ways, and perhaps it is a futile one, perhaps the fact that men like myself must be included on the rosted, violent men, men who will do the necessary, who will protect against all enemies with no thought for moral fall-out, perhaps this pre-ordains failure.

Magazines (already endangered by HD-video equivalents) got so full of those infuriating little fall-out ad cards that Fourth-Class postal rates ballooned, making the e-mail of their video-equivalents that much more attractive, in another vicious spiral.

The more intellectual millennialists had at least produced some useful, if slanted, material: careful studies of parallels with intercultural contact in Earth’s past, ranging from the dreadful fall-out of Western colonialism through to the essentially benevolent impact of the transmission of learning from Arabian and ancient Greek cultures to the medieval West.

The radioactive tracers used for this purpose are one undeniably positive fall-out of the nuclear age.