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n. (surname: English)


Faithfull may refer to:


  • Emily Faithfull, founder of The Victoria Press
  • Lilian Faithfull CBE (1865-1952), an English teacher, headmistress, women's rights advocate, magistrate, social worker and humanitarian
  • Lucy Faithfull, Baroness Faithfull, a British social worker
  • Marianne Faithfull, British singer and actress
  • Valentine Faithfull (1820–1894), British clergyman and cricketer


  • Faithfull Majesty (Rex Fidelissimus), a sobriquet attached to the Portuguese monarchy
  • Faithfull, a song by Pearl Jam

Usage examples of "faithfull".

Howbeit under cloake of a faithfull welwiller, hee dissimuled his mischievous mind and intent : in continuance of time by much familiarity and often conversation and banketting together, he fell more and more in favour, like as we see it fortuneth to Lovers, who first doe little delight themselves in love : till as by continuall acquaintance they kisse and imbrace each other.

The peerage may have warmer worshippers and faithfuller believers than Mr. Tulkinghorn, after all, if everything were known.

As soone as he was entred in he said, God speed yee souldiers of Mars and my faithfull companions, I pray you make me one of your band, and I will ensure you, that you shall have a man of singular courage and lively audacity : for I had rather receive stripes upon my backe, then money or gold in my hands.

And (having found occasion and opportunity to accomplish his purpose, which he had long time concealed) brought to passe, that the same day that Charites was delivered by the subtill meane and valiant audacity of her husband, from the puissance of the Theeves, he mingled himselfe among the assembly, faining that he was glad of the new marriage, and comming home againe of the maiden, Whereby (by reason that he came of so noble parents) he was received and entertained into the house as one of their chiefe and principall friends : Howbeit under cloake of a faithfull welwiller, hee dissimuled his mischievous mind and intent : in continuance of time by much familiarity and often conversation and banketting together, he fell more and more in favour, like as we see it fortuneth to Lovers, who first doe little delight themselves in love : till as by continuall acquaintance they kisse and imbrace each other.

I T often fals, (as here it earst befell)That mortall foes doe turne to faithfull frends,And friends profest are chaungd to foemen fell:The cause of both, of both their minds depends.

A S Pilot well expert in perilous waue,That to a stedfast starre his course hath bent,When foggy mistes, or cloudy tempests haueThe faithfull light of that faire lampe yblent,And couer'd heauen with hideous dreriment,Vpon his card and compas firmes his eye,The maisters of his long experiment,And to them does the steddy helme apply,Bidding his winged vessell fairely forward fly.

And therewithall he pulled out two thousand crownes, which he had under his coate, saying : Hold here the dowry which I present unto you, hold eke my person, which you shall alwayes find trusty and faithfull, if you willingly receive me: and I will ensure you that in so doing, within short space I wilt make and turne this stony house of yours into gold.

Ah my deare dread (said then the faithfull Mayd)Can dread of ought your dreadlesse hart withhold,That many hath with dread of death dismayd,And dare euen deathes most dreadfull face behold?

Forthwith he runnes with feigned faithfull hastVnto his guest, who after troublous sightsAnd dreames, gan now to take more sound repast,Whom suddenly he wakes with fearefull frights,As one aghast with feends or damned sprights,And to him cals, Rise rise vnhappy Swaine,That here wex old in sleepe, whiles wicked wightsHaue knit themselues in Venus shamefull chaine.

But anon, as the two kings wist they were messengers of Arthur's, there was made no tarrying, but forthwith they spake with the knights, and welcomed them in the faithfullest wise, and said they were most welcome unto them before all the kings living.

Do you know that he’s the honestest and faithfullest fellow that ever lived, and that he has an irreproachable good name?