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a. faint of heart; irresolute; fearful.


adj. lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart ne'er won fair lady" [syn: faint, timid]

Usage examples of "fainthearted".

And there was a smaller but equally vocal group of moralizers, most of them not Coloradans at all, but fainthearted folks from back East who Longarm privately referred to as the Lo!

And not just the two fainthearted lovers on the beach, but the whole kaboodle of them.

You perceive me to be possessed of an overanxious, fainthearted temperament.

While the Republicans assaulted him as a warmonger, he was berated by the High Federalists as fainthearted in the face of the French.

Or Luhaine will claim I've traded my bollocks for outright, shrinking fainthearted ness.