Fundo Activo de Capital de Risco Angolano (FACRA) is a public venture capital fund that supports Angolan SMEs in building, innovating and expanding their businesses in Angola. It offers long-term financial investments to enable SMEs and entrepreneurs to realize their business development potential. According to Capital Finance International Capital investments from venture capital companies or external businesses are greatly needed in order to stimulate local industry, to provide space for innovation to flourish and succeed.
The Fundo Activo de Capital de Risco Angolana (FACRA) is said to be one of the largest equity funds in Africa, with the equivalent in the local currency Kwanzas to $250 million in financial assets under management. FACRA’s objective is to help facilitate the launch and expansion of new businesses, to boost entrepreneurship, support the development of business skills and promote innovation and efficiency in Angolan small and medium enterprises. It also aims to build competencies, innovation and technological capabilities in national private businesses. According to their website the Fund plays an especially important role because of the current macro-economic environment, where access to financing by SMEs is said to be difficult and the relatively small pool of skilled local workforce often impedes business expansion. By being able to provide access to capital when banks are unable to lend, FACRA provides alternative, stable long-term equity funding to local and foreign entrepreneurs looking to enter the Angolan market.