Find the word definition


Etymology 1 alt. (context UK dialectal English) One of the four stomachs of a ruminating animal; rumen; paunch. n. (context UK dialectal English) One of the four stomachs of a ruminating animal; rumen; paunch. Etymology 2

vb. (cx UK eye dialect Cockney English) fuck

Usage examples of "fack".

But fitin is mis'ble bisniss, gen'rally speakin, and whenever any enterprisin countryman of mine cums over here to scoop up a Briton in the prize ring I'm allus excessively tickled when he gets scooped hisself, which it is a sad fack has thus far been the case--my only sorrer bein' that t'other feller wasn't scooped likewise.

Here the speculation is more fun than finding the facts, because there jes ain no facks to fine.

The excitement was so intens, in fack, that a extra hotel was startid in the town to accomodate the peple who thronged to my cradle.

Let us suffose that Kurt's nephew could reach the Glade without encountering a ligger, or a fack of khoovrahs.

Let us suffose that Kurt’s nephew could reach the Glade without encountering a ligger, or a fack of khoovrahs.

Yit as a faithful historan I must menshun the fack that on rainy dase white peple can't find their way threw the streets without the gas is lit, there bein such a numerosity of cullerd pussons in the town.

In fack, Oberlin IS the college, everything else in that air vicinity resolvin around excloosivly for the benefit of that institution.