n. An application of mud, clay, etc. to the skin of the face for cosmetic purposes.
Usage examples of "facial mask".
Nora watched as, with finicky care, Bonarotti inflated an air mattress, applied nocturnal facial creams, and readied what appeared to be a hairnet and a facial mask.
They are a pale cream in color, with red ears, facial mask, paws, and tail.
The remnants of Detective Rollins--wig, mustache, facial mask, and malleable rubber padding--were neatly positioned on the wingback chair.
The two young men-at-arms he'd been sparring with stepped back as Arminger pulled off the practice helmet with its facial mask.
Unlike the masquer, the cloaker's facial mask was transparent, showing the glory of its host's disfigurements.
The rigid smile appeared once more, breaking the facial mask like a sheet of progressively cracked ice.
He removed the tight rubber facial mask, which was probably uncomfortable and pulled off his chauffeur's coat.