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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Facetious \Fa*ce"tious\, a. [Cf. F. fac['e]tieux. See Faceti[ae].]

  1. Given to wit and good humor; merry; sportive; jocular; as, a facetious companion.

  2. Characterized by wit and pleasantry; exciting laughter; as, a facetious story or reply. -- Fa*ce"tious*ly, adv. -- Fa*ce"tious*ness, n.


adv. 1 In a facetious or flippant manner; in a manner that treats serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor 2 (context dated English) In a pleasantly humorous or playful fashion.


adv. not seriously; "I meant it facetiously" [syn: jokingly, tongue-in-cheek]

Usage examples of "facetiously".

See Common Plea Reports, 1823 49 The Sunday men, as they are facetiously called in the fashionable world, are not now so numerous as formerly: the facility of a trip across the Channel enables many a shy cock to evade the scrutinizing eye and affectionate attachment of the law.

Brummel would facetiously translate into getters up of fine linen, when Petersham did him the honour of driving him past the door, that he might give his opinion upon the rising merits of the family, who, like fragrant exotics, were always placed at the window by their judicious parent, to excite the attention of the curious.

Chelts as lineally descended from the Tartar race, they have very facetiously nicknamed muriatic acid.

Rosie said facetiously then looked across at Bernard who was standing in the doorway.

Spanish John had once or twice been hailed by that title facetiously by men and women who had been to the Costa del Sol.

I meant the crack facetiously, but I heard him doing the recursive algebra in his head at the other end.

I warned him facetiously about the soft and easy ways of minstrels and their stony hearts.

Only the other day I was writing in these Roundabout Papers about a certain man, whom I facetiously called Baggs, and who had abused me to my friends, who of course told me.

But he quickly spread the news that Hector was about to blossom forth as an actor, and the following day the Principal referred to it facetiously when he met Hector in the corridor.

Facetiously wondering if Polabod had been loaned to another Quartette, she greeted them graciously, exclaiming her eagerness to attend the evening's concert and, at long last, hear an Optherian organ.

Some in Main Computers had suggested, not altogether facetiously, that they had unwit­tingly created a new form of life here, the Kagan network and the grid being the whole, and that, in fact, if computers really thought, they might also have hangups mirroring their human origins.

Her big Victorian house lately emptied of all companionship but that of her scolding cats, she was supplied by her job with an adequate measure of human commerce, mother to her girls (love lives of Byzantine complexity) and father confessor to two guilty and confused generations of the Chace family, whose nominal head arrived each day about this time, facetiously declaring his affection, begging for her hand, imploring her to make him a happy man.

Facetiously keying a query on his credit balance, he gasped in surprise at the amount of draw he was permitted for an out-of-system transfer, the allowance provided for redecorating and furnishing his quarters, and how to obtain downside authorization and credit facilities for FT&T personnel.

She'd seen Cerdic's old suit of magicproof armor, and wondered facetiously if there existed, in the attics of the nobility, naaar roulette wheels, dice, and card decks.

Facetiously he wondered if a bunch of infected rats could be living in the ventilation system on the seventh floor.