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n. (plural of fabrication English)

Usage examples of "fabrications".

But, as I remember, none could be corroborated, and most were dismissed as the fabrications of attention seekers or the hallucinations of heavy drinkers.

Pathetic fabrications will not impress anybody here, and are hardly likely to do anything to restore the doubtlessly somewhat tarnished image that you will have made for yourself on Earth.

If you can spare a medical shuttle, Rustenberg's Operations Director and Chief of Fabrications could use a full course of antiradiation treatments.

It boasted hinged doors at the top for easy loading at Rustenberg's refinery and a hopper-type door at one end, which could be tilted over the hopper of an off-world fabrications plant, dumping the refined ore directly into the smelting furnaces.

Griffen said he did not know who was responsible for these malicious fabrications but he would make it his business to find out.

The scrolls highlight glaring historical discrepancies and fabrications, clearly confirming that the modern Bible was compiled and edited by men who possessed a political agenda—to promote the divinity of the man Jesus Christ and use His influence to solidify their own power base.

And though we are too clever to corroborate for the human record his foolish fabrications, the outrage exceeds all precedent.

Others included the fabrications that the Farmers had counted them and would shortly come and round them up, process them in the abattoir and ship them back as delicacies.

Dredging up her lifelong indignation at her own nonentity, she spewed a torrent of lies and fabrications and accusations intended to make the three lords seem creatures more despicable than she was.