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F-Secure Corporation (formerly Data Fellows) is an cyber security and privacy company based in Helsinki, Finland. The company has 20 country offices and a presence in more than 100 countries, with Security Lab operations in Helsinki, Finland and in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Through more than 200 operator partners globally, millions of broadband customer use F-Secure services. F-Secure Corp. is publicly traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange under the symbol FSC1V.

F-Secure has been listed twice, 2003 and 2006, on "Finland's best places to work" list published by Great Place to Work® Institute, Inc. Technology Academy of Finland named Pirkka Palomäki, F-Secure's Chief Technology Officer, as CTO of the Year 2011.

F-Secure claims to be the first antivirus vendor to establish a presence on the World Wide Web. The F-Secure Labs weblog tracks global internet and mobile security threats.