Eyyübiye is a planned district and second level municipality in Şanlıurfa Province, Turkey. According to Law act no 6360, all Turkish provinces with a population more than 750 000, will be a metropolitan municipality and the districts within the metropolitan municipalities will be second level municipalities. The law also creates new districts within the provinces in addition to present districts. These changes will be effective by the local elections in 2014. On 30 March 2014, Mehmet Ekinci ( AKP) was elected mayor.
Thus after 2014 the present Şanlıurfa (Urfa) central district will be split into three. The western quarters of the city will be named Eyyübiye and the name Şanlıurfa will be reserved for the metropolitan municipality. (The name Eyyübiye refers to Job who is believed to live in Şanlıurfa.)