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n. (plural of eyephone English)

Usage examples of "eyephones".

With his eyephones on and Slitscan's dedicated landline feeding him the bleak reaches of DatAmerica, he felt increasingly at home.

He rapped once on the gray cowl of the eyephones, then gently removed them.

Removing the heavy eyephones he sees how the boy sleeps with his eyes half-open, showing the white.

With his eyephones on and Slitscan’s dedicated landline feeding him the bleak reaches of DatAmerica, he felt increasingly at home.

She wore a headnet on her shaved skull, with lowered eyephones that gave her a blank, inscrutable expression.

Dominique hadn't realized how accustomed he had become to seeing people masked in eyephones till he noticed that no one on the streets wore them.

Looking in the window, Dominique saw a man in eyephones come out from the back room with an armload of books.

The bookseller was there, eyephones pushed up on his forehead, looking suspicious.