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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Eyebolt \Eye"bolt`\, n. (Mach.) A bolt with a looped head, or an opening in the head.


alt. A bolt with a looped head, or an opening in the head. n. A bolt with a looped head, or an opening in the head.

Usage examples of "eyebolt".

The loadmaster and six airmen immediately went to work, snaking steel cables to eyebolts on the track and trailer to secure the heavy load.

Inside the jagged top of the remaining shaft an eyebolt stood out of the core.

MIK took the severed tail, sat down cross-legged near the eyebolt, poured sand on the cutting line, and began to rub it across the line with his tail.

He did the same for my ankles, pushed me to one side of the room and attached my wrists by another length of rubber cable to an eyebolt on the wall.

Jacques had used a fairly short length of rubber cable to secure me to the eyebolt and I could roll no more than a couple of feet in either direction.

Both were completely nude except for leather fighting harnesses and heavy manacles around their wrists and ankles that secured them to an eyebolt set in the floor.

It was not actually tied to the porthole but to an eyebolt for a chain, fastened into the hull a few inches outside the porthole.

A sneer twisted his lips as he suffered the guard to lift his feet onto the bed and shorten the chain which secured his left ankle to a finger-thick iron eyebolt let into the granite-block wall.

He followed them with his eyes, noting how they were anchored to eyebolts driven into metal girders running the length and breadth of the high, domed ceiling.

It had been requisitioned from the Transportation Directorate, and still had eyebolts in the floor for the leg shackles of the work gangs.

Remember how much Jay Talley liked to string people up with rope and eyebolts and burn them with heat guns?

But, carefully fastened by safety lines to eyebolts on the surface, they had inspected the outside of the station and the space telescope not far away, although Landis had not been sure how much Risebad saw.

Big iron eyebolts were to be seen in the ledge on each side of the meetinghouse, and to one of them was still attached a rusty link of heavy chain.

I placed one of the hardwood battens on the top rung, set one end of the bottle-screw on the wood directly above the rung and unscrewed the upper eyebolt until it was firmly against the other batten which I'd placed under the hatch, to spread the load.

Beyond it was a magnifi­cent view northwest—the Bad Grass, the desert, Hanging Rock, Eyebolt Canyon—but scenic vistas were the last thing on Sheemie's mind as he led Capriccioso cautiously into Rhea's yard not long after noon.