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a. of, or relating to extropy n. An adherent or advocate of, or an activist for, extropy or (l/en: extropianism) and its goals or principles.

Usage examples of "extropian".

Revolution had taken over the onion-domed orthodox cathedral in Plotsk, making it the headquarters of the Commissariat for Extropian Ideology.

Sitting up in the coffin singing extropian fireside songs, that kind of thing.

Uploading a person was still illegal in those days, but Keller belonged to an extropian group of anarcho-capitalistsor were they anarcho-syndicalists?

The Extropians yearn for the virtual bodies of uploading, where they will dwell in cyber-heaven forever.

Some said that strange glowing beings from the Silicon Valley had wandered in overnight and started the baby dome, then infiltrated the Psychics, the Gaians, and the Extropians, whose neural architecture would be read into the Dome, become part of its exponentially growing referential power.