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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Extrinsical \Ex*trin"sic*al\, a. Extrinsic. -- Ex*trin"sic*al*ly, adv.


adv. In an extrinsic manner

Usage examples of "extrinsically".

It is usually easier to set up or arrange extrinsically motivating conditions than to increase one's intrinsic interest and satisfaction in some behavior.

Other extrinsically motivated students are in a panic about their grades.

Even though the biosphere is instrumental to the noosphere, the biosphere itself still possesses equal Ground-value (as the visible, sensible God/dess), and further, each biospheric holon possesses its own degree of instrinsic value (an ape is more intrinsically valuable than an atom, but the latter is more extrinsically valuable than the former).

Bonaventura says that he obstructs the procreant function, not intrinsically by harming the organ, but extrinsically by impeding its use.

When they are extrinsically motivated—by public approval or conformity, for example—the religious context is not always benevolent.