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adv. (obsolete form of extremely English)

Usage examples of "extreamly".

This cast the Oversight of his Education upon his Uncle, who was so extreamly pleas'd with the dawn of his Merit, that he made him his adoptive Son and Heir.

I will comply with your Instance, tho' I am extreamly scrupulous about it.

First, mark the Impudence of the Fellow, to approach a sick Woman, when he was a profess'd Enemy to her Husband, and extreamly odious to her self.

Yet my Uneasiness will be extreamly softned, if Fortune shall keep him at least healthful and Secure.

The same Fact is either extreamly rais'd or depress'd by the Figure or Obscurity of the Performer.

This Port will bear the Emperor's Name, and will be extreamly Commodious.

But my brother was passionate, and had often beaten me, which I took extreamly amiss.

It was Testify'd, That at the Examination of the Prisoner before the Magistrates, the Bewitched were extreamly Tortured.

Moreover there was a whitish powder to us Invisible somtimes cast upon the Eyes of this Young Woman, whereby her Eyes would be extreamly incommoded, but one time some of this Powder was fallen actually Visible upon her Cheek, from whence the People in the Room wiped it with their Handkerchiefs, and somtimes the Young Woman would also be so bitterly scorched with the unseen Sulphur thrown upon her, that very sensible Blisters would be raised upon her Skin, whereto her Friends found it necessary to apply the Oyl's proper for common Burning, but the most of these Hurts would be cured in two or three days at farthest: I think I may without Vanity pretend to have read not a few of the best System's of Physick that have been yet seen in these American Regions, but I must confess that I have never yet learned the Name of the Natural Distemper, whereto these odd symptoms do belong: However I might suggest perhaps many a Natural Medicine, which would be of singular use against many of them.

I being extreamly troubled at their Inhumane dealings, uttered a hasty Speech (That God would take vengeance on them, and desired that God would deliver us out of the hands of unmerciful men.