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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But even a dyed-in-the-wool extravert will sometimes choose to behave more demurely.

n. (alternative spelling of extrovert English)


adj. characterized by extroversion [syn: extrovert, extroverted, extraverted, extrovertive, extravertive]


n. (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings [syn: extrovert] [ant: introvert]

Usage examples of "extravert".

The invader is technically far superior to my own race but it is an extravert culture and, as such, may have many psychological weaknesses.

Thus by extravert intelligence did your ancestors come into their kingdom.

There is something in the tone of those instructions of his to Sancho that evokes in one the image of an elderly, seedy, obscure poet, who has never been successful in anything, giving to his sturdy, popular, extravert son a sound bit of advice as to how to be a prosperous plumber or politician.

Michel at first, but then he remembered that the cortex inhibits the lower centers of the brain, so that low cortical arousal allows the more uninhibited behavior of the extravert, while high cortical arousal is inhibitory and leads to introversion.

If they assume that everyone around them has the same attitude about the world as they do, they may fail to recognize the needs of the extraverts around them for praise.

They wanted extraverts and they wanted brilliant scientists who necessarily had had to dive deep into solitary study for years and years.

If they assume that everyone around them has the same attitude about the world as they do, they may fail to recognize the needs of the extraverts around them for praise.

It's a matter of the finest balances, and extraverted and introverted attitudes.

It has a peculiarly introspective flavor to it that we don’t have in our extraverted Galactic civilization.