Crossword clues for extrasensory
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Of or relating to extrasensory perception.
adj. seemingly outside normal sensory channels [syn: paranormal] [ant: sensory]
Usage examples of "extrasensory".
Statisticalists are the intellectual heirs of those ancient materialistic thinkers who denied the possibility of any discarnate existence, or of any extraphysical mind, or even of extrasensory perception.
I use the term extra-physical to avoid any confusion with paraphysical, with such evidently existing but usually uncontrollable and elusive forces as telepathy, telekinesis, and other extrasensory perception phenomena.
Extrasensory and precognitive perceptions were the most typical abilities possessed by muties who appeared to be normal.
It has the extrasensory capacities to track them and the transvolutionary effectors to pursue them anywhere.
The Novosibirsk Extrasensory Research Institute was set up to work with the bulmunk, which are the only known true telepathic intelligent lifeform in the galaxy.
None of the extrasensory abilities can be neatly categorized, because capability varies from person to perĀson, just like reading ability.
The American psychologist Charles Tart, who believes the evidence for extrasensory perception is convincing, writes: An important factor in the current popularity of `New Age' ideas is a reaction against the dehumanizing, despiritualizing effects otscientism, the philosophical belief (masquerading as objective science and held with the emotional tenacity of born-again fundamentalism) that we are nothing but material beings.
But as the connection between these two despiteous events, however, even his extrasensory vision did not provide him with any knowledge.
Its actual but unaccessible presence in our universe is one of the prime causes for our species elaborating myth and religion, for our stubborn, blind belief in extrasensory powers, in telepathy and precognition, in demons and demigods and resurrection and reincarnation and ghosts and messiahs and so many other categories of not-quite satisfying bullshit.
I also looked into extrasensory perception and PSI phenomena, and the latest craze there was Uri Geller, a man who is supposed to be able to bend keys by rubbing them with his finger.
His chief servant, both in the virtual and real world, is a half-Aboriginal serial murderer who has named himself Dread, who combines a taste for hunting humans with a strange extrasensory ability to manipulate electronic circuitry that allows him to blank security cameras and otherwise avoid detection.
It was proof positive to any skeptics that the extrasensory percep tions did occur.
Most of Trout's novels, after all, dealt with time warps and extrasensory perception and other unexpected things.
The voir dire questions that weren't about crime all seemed to do with belief in extrasensory perception.