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a. occurring outside the law; not governed by law; lawless


adj. not regulated or sanctioned by law; "there were only extralegal recourses for their grievances" [syn: nonlegal]

Usage examples of "extralegal".

That same month, there was a mass meeting, an extralegal gathering, which called for price reductions and initiated an investigation of Robert Morris, a rich Philadelphian who was accused of holding food from the market.

Lipshultz who runs or owns the Agony Club, which is out of the territory of the Poodle Springs cops and the Agony Club is engaged in extralegal operations.

The point is that Rambam employs a lot of extralegal tricks that he can get away with because he works as a lone wolf.

Grilka had managed to distract the Ferengi from his extralegal schemes.

We used extralegal methods and a lot of time and man power to avert a definite threat to the whole city, not to just one individual.

By extension, the extralegal lord and master of the territory controlled by his troop.

And while one would never suggest or encourage the adoption of extralegal resistance of what, after all, will be a legitimate, properly approved world government, it also behooves us to resist the potential abuse of power by the cabal which has obviously come together to secure the Ternathian domination of the entire explored multiverse.

Sigma was made in his image, and he was proud of his access to the corridors of power, proud as well of the extralegal status he enjoyed.