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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
exorbitant/extortionate (=much too high)
▪ £10,000 seemed an exorbitant price for the rug.
▪ an extortionate price for car insurance
▪ It also allows people access to loans without resorting to the extortionate rates charged by some legitimate credit companies.
▪ On top of this, they often charge extortionate rates for support through a tolled number.
▪ Paying £40 for it is nothing less than extortionate.
▪ The building trades are also riddled with extortionate practices, but here the influence of the Mafia is probably exaggerated.
▪ The penalties are even more extortionate for those who had not planned to go into the red.
▪ The same fear sustains extortionate bills in some other businesses.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Extortionate \Ex*tor"tion*ate\, a. Characterized by extortion; oppressive; hard.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1711, from extortion + -ate. Extortious is from c.1600.


a. 1 of, related to or typifying extortion 2 greatly exceeding what is reasonable or moderate; exorbitant


adj. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; "exorbitant rent"; "extortionate prices"; "spends an outrageous amount on entertainment"; "usorious interest rate"; "unconscionable spending" [syn: exorbitant, outrageous, steep, unconscionable, usurious]

Usage examples of "extortionate".

They were not wantonly cruel, nor extortionate, nor even pettily thievish.

The tinsmith delivered them the next day, demanding an extortionate price in return for his speedy workmanship.

Also it shows why expensive boondoggles like Tunipah, aimed at supporting this kind of habit as well as making extortionate profits, are foisted on an unsuspecting public.

It was far easier to rent an estate from an absentee landlord, then let it to peasants at an extortionate rate.

Though admittedly, I have paid absolutely extortionate cover charges to get into supposedly fashionable clubs that smelled even worse.

Gerard kept a sharp eye on the extortionate post-boy, alighting from the chaise, and engaging him in talk to prevent his passing the word to the new postilion that he was helping an eloping couple to reach the Border.

Among his many grievances with the galaxy at large, the extortionate price of repairs and maintenance made by outworld stations ranked high.

Potential defendants succumb to extortionate demands rather than endure the Kafkaesque process.

I knew that the big reputable firms never asked for kickbacks at all, and that individual agents varied from nil to nearly extortionate.

All of the satraps upriver from here—starting with Wio—charge extortionate tolls for goods to move through them, and Kirsti resents hell out of the way that subsidizes the other satrapies' merchant classes.