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external world

n. (context philosophy English) The world consisting of all the objects and events which are experienceable or whose existence is accepted by the human mind, but which exist independently of the mind.

Usage examples of "external world".

On the other hand, it lacks that objective conformity to law characteristic of the after-images which mirror the order of the external world.

If I have made the external world sweet to you, aren't they less than they were?

But the magician is someone who knows that the mind can also affect the external world.

Hope lay in this strange power of the mind over the external world: a power that the mind itself failed to understand.

That beyond the external world of sense-perception there lies only the fathomless void of non-being.

History examines the manifestations of man's free will in connection with the external world in time and in dependence on cause, that is, it defines this freedom by the laws of reason, and so history is a science only in so far as this free will is defined by those laws.

As a little person he was not exposed to the excitement of an external world, he seldom had relationships with other children, and though he was a 'good' boy, in that he didn't cause particular trouble, he was not a child that anyone would notice.

Transience, then, the forcible abbreviation of man's relationships, is not merely a condition of the external world.

New discoveries, new technologies, new social arrangements in the external world erupt into our lives in the form of increased turnover rates--shorter and shorter relational durations.

And -- here is a thought not too pleasing -- as the external world becomes more animate, we may find that we -- the so-called humans -- are becoming, and may to a great extent always have been, inanimate in the sense that we are led, directed by built-in tropisms, rather than leading.