n. The outer ear.
n. the part of the ear visible externally [syn: outer ear]
Usage examples of "external ear".
Somewhat as in a fall into deep water, where the hydraulic compression of air perforates the tympanic membrane as water is forced into the external ear canal.
Together the auricle and the auditory canal make up the external ear.
Mullein oil is recommended for earache and discharge from the ear, and for any eczema of the external ear and its canal.
There was, instead, a long statement about the development of the skeletal and muscular systems, and special adaptations for swimming, such as partial webs between the fingers and the elongated toes, eyes capable of being thrust forward under the brow ridges for purposes of better observation, a large chest with exceptionally powerful muscles, the absence of external ears, and speculation as to the hypothetical superiority, underwater, of the membrane that took the place of the external ear.
Both species have two legs, two arms, two eyes, and two ears, although the Mitchegai lack the external ear of a human.
He was hurtling past the altar with its golden serpents when like a levin-flash there shot across his mind again as vividly as if spoken in his external ear, the cryptic words of Khemsa: 'Break the crystal ball?
An instant later, there was a brief sense of pressure and a scraping in his external ear canal, and something landed beside him.
After embalming, they were hung up with tongs hooked into the external ear canals.
He was hurtling past the altar with its golden serpents when like a levin-flash there shot across his mind again as vividly as if spoken in his external ear, the cryptic words of Khemsa: `Break the crystal ball.