n. (external cause English)
Usage examples of "external causes".
For in that case they would really say that the representations of external objects (phenomena) cannot be the external causes of the representations in our mind, which would be a meaningless objection, because nobody would think of taking for an external cause what he knows to be a mere representation.
In other words, as they have not probably been produced by the operation of external causes which are under the control of men, so they cannot be removed by such causes.
Perhaps there will be many who will be unable to see the force of this proof, inasmuch as they are accustomed only to consider those things which flow from external causes.
However, more people on Charon die from external causes than natural causes.
If the Martian climatic variations were the result of external causes (perhaps variations in the luminosity of the sun), then a correlation of Martian paleoclimatology and terrestrial paleoclimatology would be extremely interesting.
The supreme Substance, then, does not exist through any efficient agent, and does not derive existence from any matter, and was not aided in being brought into existence by any external causes.
A naturally retiring, modest disposition, and two external causes are the reasons for Muller's humbleness of manner, which is his chief characteristic.