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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Extemporaneous \Ex*tem`po*ra"ne*ous\, a. [See Extempore.] Composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment, or without previous study; unpremeditated; off-hand; ad-lib; extempore; extemporary; as, an extemporaneous address or production. -- Ex*tem`po*ra"ne*ous*ly, adv. -- Ex*tem`po*ra"ne*ous*ness,n.


adv. In an extemporaneous manner; without prior preparation or planning.


adv. without prior preparation; "he spoke extemporaneously" [syn: extemporarily, extempore]

Usage examples of "extemporaneously".

But she quickly learned it was inefficient to try the spiel extemporaneously and resorted to the script Jackie had made for her.

The rogue was lying extemporaneously, an unfair advantage he had over her.

The musicians seemed to play extemporaneously, weaving their melodies in and out around a subtle, tacit framework.

Fellow-citizens, what I have said I have said altogether extemporaneously, and I will now come to a close.