vb. (archaic spelling of express English)
Usage examples of "expresse".
The history of life on earth expresses the coevolution of self-organizing macro- and microsystems in ever-higher degrees of differentiation.
Yet, I feel certain that the dread she expresses of my want of discretion is only feigned, it is but a pretext to turn me out of her favour.
Kisses--that mute, yet expressive language, that delicate, voluptuous contact which sends sentiment coursing rapidly through the veins, which expresses at the same time the feeling of the heart and the impressions of the mind--that language was the only one we had recourse to, and without having uttered one syllable, dear reader, oh, how well we agreed!
The French philosopher comes before the Prussian prince at Sans Souci even in the palatial villa which expresses the wilful caprice of the great Frederick as few edifices have embodied the whims or tastes of their owners.
By it we give to an object a name which literally expresses something more or something less than we intend.
But neither path alone expresses the whole Truth, and neither path alone imbibes fully of Reality.
I must get away from culture and get back to nature, back to a wilderness that expresses a pure nature and my own most authentic impulses.
It expresses, as it were, the steward of the legal mysteries, the butler of the legal cellar, of the Dedlocks.
Snagsby indignantly expresses her belief that he is a limb of the arch-fiend.
After unspeakable suffering, productive of the utmost consternation, she is pronounced, by expresses from the bedroom, free from pain, though much exhausted, in which state of affairs Mr.
Bucket, satisfied, expresses high approval and awaits her coming at the door.
Here, more than anywhere else, you are steeped in the gothic spirit which expresses itself in a Teutonic dialect of homely sweetness, of endearing caprice, of rude grotesqueness, but of positive grace and beauty almost never.
This expresses their pride at once and their simplicity with a childish literality.
Suddenly the indefinable emotion which expresses the fulfilment of expectation in a waiting crowd passed through the multitude, and before he realized it March was looking into the friendly gray-bearded face of the PrinceRegent, for the moment that his carriage allowed in passing.
Then they walked back to their carriage and drove to the New Palace, which expresses in differing architectural terms the same subjection to an alien ideal of beauty.