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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Explorator \Ex"plo*ra`tor\, n. [L.] One who explores; one who examines closely; a searcher.


n. (context dated English) One who explores; one who examines closely; a searcher.

Usage examples of "explorator".

An almost typical K2 star, an unremarkable planet, but for the men aboard the Explorator IV the system was a source of wonder and fascination.

The thought, however, seeped into his mind that either these tall pale folk or their predecessors at the scene had destroyed the Explorator IV, and both had evidently tracked the arrival of the scout-boat.

For all their present benefit to him they might as well be with the Explorator IV.

He mused over the events of his life, his childhood, his years of training, his missions among the stars and finally his assignment to the Explorator IV.