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n. (plural of exploiter English)

Usage examples of "exploiters".

The newly designed automated Mineral Exploiters had a simple mission: sophisticated sensors directed the behemoths to hunt down the highest and purest concentrations of metals out in the asteroid belt and to dismantle the rocks and exploit the treasure.

Then he noticed the sputtering remnants of the two automated Mineral Exploiters that had torn each other apart.

The Mineral Exploiters had destroyed each other in a horribly embarrassing debacle.

All that I can say is that I am trying to show them how they are being trapped, how their fine and generous qualities are being used by exploiters of one sort or another.

As a leftover from the time of the exploiters, he was fairly easy to understand.

Before the exploiters arrived, less than a hundred years ago, the high plains of Notcid were filled with your people.

It was strange, she reflected, that the exploiters had, like this man, always been friendly but hardly ever polite, while the new people were polite but hardly ever friendly.

The Internet enables niche marketing and restores the balance between the creative genius and the commercial exploiters of his product.

The evil aliens were in league with the entrenched exploiters, apparently.

She is certainly mistaken if she believes that I underestimate her accursed empire of exploiters and thieves.

It seems the GFE wants no interference from meddling foreign exploiters, as they put it!

Meddling foreigners we are, but we don't qualify as exploiters unless we show a profit—and this appears to be shaping up as a particularly profitless venture.

Meddling foreigners we are, but we don't qualify as exploiters unless we show a profit—and this appears to be shaping up as a particularly profitless venture.