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n. (plural of explanation English)

Usage examples of "explanations".

Neuville looked astonished, and to avoid any unpleasant explanations I turned the conversation.

He and Adams would have differing explanations, each writing long after the fact.

The objections I made, his answers, the details to be entered into, the explanations and the ways and means to be examined to obviate the difficulties of the project, took up the whole night.

When the cruel Jewess came in the morning she told me that she wanted explanations, but that I must use the pictures and nothing more as a demonstration of my remarks.

When after three weeks no word had been heard from him and no satisfactory explanations furnished by a variety of people, the family became concerned.

There could be several explanations, which she would issue without elaboration.

I will add that it has been hoped you would leave such explanations as would place every saddle on its right horse, and replace on the shoulders of others the burdens they shifted on yours.

I am satisfied with the consequences of your actions, if not the feeble explanations you offer for them.

There were several accepted, scientific explanations for the phenomenon.

My own failure to discover these things has sometimes inclined me toward magical explanations, and has led me to seek in the frenzies of the occult for what common sense has not taught me.