vb. To dismiss or minimize by explanation, especially with regard to problems.
Usage examples of "explain away".
Such cold-blooded assimilations threaten, we think, to undo our soul's vital secrets, as if the same breath which should succeed in explaining their origin would simultaneously explain away their significance, and make them appear of no more preciousness, either, than the useful groceries of which M.
The testimony of these two latter men is very difficult either to explain or to explain away, but I cannot deal with this question here, but must refer the reader to a paper on the subject by Mr GASTON DE MENGEL, and the discussion thereon, published in vol.
Despite the smallness of the change, this was no minor alteration, nothing anyone could possible explain away as a mere effort to clarify or emphasize.
The modern would-be materialist thus finds himself in a curious position, for, while he may with a certain degree of success reduce the activities of the mind to those of the body, he cannot explain away the fact that the body itself is merely a convenient concept invented by the mind.
It's a little more sophisticated than those 'air car accidents' the Peeps have always favored to explain away disappearances, especially when they've got some reason to want to obscure the exact time they disappeared someone, but it's still a crock, and we know it.
It was going to take more than plutocratic lies to explain away that kind of hard evidence, and—.
It was going to take more than plutocratic lies to explain away that kind of hard evidence, and—.
Dov cudgeled his brains for the right excuse to explain away the chatty amulet.
The schizophrenic is like a man permanently under the influence of mescalin, and therefore unable to shut off the experience of a reality which he is not holy enough to live with, which he cannot explain away because it is the most stubborn of primary facts, and which, because it never permits him to look at the world with merely human eyes, scares him into interpreting its unremitting strangeness, its burning intensity of significance, as the manifestations of human or even cosmic malevolence, calling for the most desperate countermeasures, from murderous violence at one end of the scale to catatonia, or psychological suicide, at the other.
Kassim left behind, had attended the council with his air of diligent activity to explain away the diplomacy of the day before.
He had only hunted once, had not been accepted as a hunter, that was what he told himself later, trying to explain away his failure to accept death from those sharp and terrible teeth.
And there came on Rodriguez that feeling that some deride and that others explain away, the feeling of which romance is mainly made and which is the aim and goal of all the earth.
Easy to explain away a navigation malfunction of a freighter on its way to the belt.
Death and vulgarity are the only two facts in the nineteenth century that one cannot explain away.
The woman Willow Severty had brought the oak tree upon the world, and no amount of money or force of technology had proved adequate to duplicate or explain away what she had done.