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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Expiratory \Ex*pir"a*to*ry\, a. (Physiol.) Pertaining to, or employed in, the expiration or emission of air from the lungs; as, the expiratory muscles.


a. Of or pertaining to expiration


adj. of or relating to the breathing out phase of respiration

Usage examples of "expiratory".

The abdominal muscles relax during inspiration and the diaphragm relaxes during expiration, thus rendering the forces nearly equal, though the strength is in favor of the expiratory muscles.

Coughing and sneezing are sudden and spasmodic expiratory efforts, and generally involuntary.

The characteristic expiratory sound was produced, and so rapid was the inspiration that the blow-hole seemed to close immediately after the expiratory act.

Morse found himself quietly re-appraising the man who first beached and then readjusted his vast bulk in an armchair, with a series of expiratory grunts.

Let's not confuse our ERV with someone else's ERV—equine rhinovirus, for example, or ecotropic recombinant retrovirus, or, something we've all experienced in these sessions, a sudden loss of expiratory reserve volume.

We know that during violent expiratory efforts the pressure of the arterial blood within the vessels of the eye is increased, and that the return of the venous blood is impeded.