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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Expiation \Ex`pi*a"tion\, n. [L. expiatio: cf.F. expiation]

  1. The act of making satisfaction or atonement for any crime or fault; the extinguishing of guilt by suffering or penalty.

    His liberality seemed to have something in it of self-abasement and expiation.
    --W. Irving.

  2. The means by which reparation or atonement for crimes or sins is made; an expiatory sacrifice or offering; an atonement.

    Those shadowy expiations weak, The blood of bulls and goats.

  3. An act by which the threats of prodigies were averted among the ancient heathen. [Obs.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., via Middle French expiation or directly from Latin expiationem (nominative expiatio) "satisfaction, atonement," noun of action from past participle stem of expiare "make amends for, atone for; purge by sacrifice, make good," from ex- "completely" (see ex-) + piare "propitiate, appease," from pius "faithful, loyal, devout" (see pious).The sacrifice of expiation is that which tendeth to appease the wrath of God. [Thomas Norton, translation of Calvin's "Institutes of Christian Religion," 1561]


n. 1 An act of atonement for a sin or wrongdoing. 2 (context obsolete English) The act of expiating or stripping off; plunder; pillage.

  1. n. compensation for a wrong; "we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store" [syn: atonement, satisfaction]

  2. the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity) [syn: atonement, propitiation]

Expiation (film)

Expiation is a 1922 British silent crime film directed by Sinclair Hill and starring Ivy Close, Fred Raynham and Lionelle Howard. It was based on a novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The film was made by Stoll Pictures at the Cricklewood Studios.

Usage examples of "expiation".

It is a very ancient reproach, suggested by the ignorance or the malice of infidelity, that the Christians allured into their party the most atrocious criminals, who, as soon as they were touched by a sense of remorse, were easily persuaded to wash away, in the water of baptism, the guilt of their past conduct, for which the temples of the gods refused to grant them any expiation.

And after you have performed them you will not understand that they were expiatory any more than you have understood all the other expiation that has kept you in such prolonged humiliation.

In the evening previous to the feast of expiation, a man wishing to pry into futurity carried a lighted candle to the synagogue, and from particular appearances of the flame he prognosticated whether good was to follow him and his, or whether he and his family were to be overtaken by evil.

And our souls are redeemed, not by any expiation on account of which penalties are lifted, but by reception of spiritual truth and consecration of will, which push away penalties by wholesome life.

If I had not cruelly sent back to you the key of the casino, I should most likely have returned there, and should have avoided the sorrow as well as the physical pains which I am now suffering as an expiation.

I am aware it ought to be Fabia, but at the moment she and the other adult Vestals are searching the Books for the proper rituals of expiation.

And they produce a host of books written by Musaeus and Orpheus, who were children of the Moon and the muses -- that is what they say -- according to which they perform their ritual, and persuade not only individuals, but whole cities, that expiations and atonements for sin may be made by sacrifices and amusements which fill a vacant hour, and are equally at the service of the living and the dead.

There was only one possible mode of expiation, and that was that the consular tribunes should resign office, the auspices to be taken entirely afresh, and an interrex appointed.

Maximus enforced his exhortations by a liberal donative, purified the camp by a solemn sacrifice of expiation, and then dismissed the legions to their several provinces, impressed, as he hoped, with a lively sense of gratitude and obedience.

After all, they'll reason, if he's doing this to himself as a punishment (they keep talking about psychological anorexia nervosa, apparently believing that if you feel guilty enough, you can speed up your metabolism until it's burning umpty-umpty calories a day), facing Lemke may provide exactly the sort of expiation he needs.

Thomas's, no expiation of his sins, not even when he left twenty thousand dollars in the charity box.

Conceiving his pleasures to be crimes, his sufferings expiations, he endeavored to love pain, and to abjure the love of self.

Near him, the Siamese, with his eyebrows shaved, and a talipat screen*** in his hand, recommends alms, offerings, and expiations, at the same time that he preaches blind necessity and inexorable fate.

It is, that as the public doctrine recommends offerings, expiations, endowments, etc.

Tchernoff’s socialism and nationality brought vividly to his mind a series of feverish images — bombs, daggers, stabbings, deserved expiations on the gallows, and exile to Siberia.