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Experts-Exchange (EE) is a website for people in information technology (IT) related jobs to ask each other for tech help, receive instant help via chat, hire freelancers, and browse tech jobs.

At Experts Exchange, users are awarded points for answering questions asked by other users or writing articles the general community values as resourceful. This results in a competition for obtaining more points to achieve various experts' certifications.

The site offers a paid membership service that offers full access to those who primarily use the website to get their IT and tech questions solved. By actively participating in answering questions, users can earn points in order to gain premium membership. Those who obtain 3,000 overall points are given access to all features of the web site known as premium services, and they need to obtain at least 3,000 points in the previous month, 50,000 points in the previous 12 months, or 5 million lifetime points to retain these privileges.