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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Expense magazine

Expense \Ex*pense"\, n. [L. expensa (sc. pecunia), or expensum, fr. expensus, p. p. of expendere. See Expend.]

  1. A spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure.

    Husband nature's riches from expense.

  2. That which is expended, laid out, or consumed; cost; outlay; charge; -- sometimes with the notion of loss or damage to those on whom the expense falls; as, the expenses of war; an expense of time.

    Courting popularity at his party's expense.

  3. Loss. [Obs.]

    And moan the expense of many a vanished sight.

    Expense magazine (Mil.), a small magazine containing ammunition for immediate use.
    --H. L. Scott.

Usage examples of "expense magazine".

At one moment there was a much bigger explosion than usual, and Hornblower guessed that an 'expense magazine' - the small store of gunpowder kept in the battery and continually replenished from the rear - had blown up.

At one moment there was a much bigger explosion than usual, and Hornblower guessed that an 'expense magazine' —.

At one moment there was a much bigger explosion than usual, and Hornblower guessed that an 'expense magazine' the small store of gunpowder kept in the battery and continually replenished from the rear had blown up.