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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Expeditionary \Ex`pe*di"tion*a*ry\, a. Of or pertaining to an expedition; as, an expeditionary force.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1803, from expedition + -ary.


a. 1 Of or pertaining to an expedition 2 (context military English) Intended for military operations abroad


adj. (used of military forces) designed for military operations abroad; "the French expeditionary force in Indochina"


Usage examples of "expeditionary".

By the time Hitler got around to attacking Russia, the armies of Poland and France and the British Expeditionary Force on the Continent had been destroyed and Germany had the resources of all of Europe to draw upon and no Western front to tie her hands.

The ground attack would start as soon as twenty-five days after the air strikes began, in which case the United States would be attacking with as little as a 2,000-man Marine Expeditionary Unit and two Army brigades.

Knowing that Vozmuzhalnoy Vozmozhno would watch their fleet arrive and have plenty of time to bring his men down from Basilica and slaughter their army as it tried to land, Potokgavan would not dare to send an expeditionary force to the Cities of the Plain.

The blue in the title of the docudrama referred to the color of the uniform worn by the Betan Expeditionary Force, of which Captain Cordelia Naismith had been a part.

Prince-Bishop of Dele mounted a major war on the Council and sent an expeditionary force to torch the town and burn as many wizards as might be found in the ruins.

German attack through Belgium, called for the French First and Ninth armies and the British Expeditionary Force to dash forward to the principal Belgian defense line on the Dyle and Meuse rivers from Antwerp through Louvain, Namur and Givet to Mezieres.

A patrol from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet has located what appears to be the remnants of the expeditionary mission known to you as Outbound Flight deep inside Chiss territory.

That night it was arranged that the following day Smith-Oldwick and Bertha Kircher should be transported to British headquarters near the coast by aeroplane, the two planes attached to the expeditionary force being requisitioned for the purpose.

This had left Captain Chief Pawl of Vawn as senior officer of the expeditionary force.

Limberger went on to describe how they had sailed east in company with the Lady Edwina, the transfer of cargo and gear from the caravel into the galleon, and the dispatch of the Lady Edwina in command of Schreuder to the Cape with letters of demand for ransom, the onward voyage aboard the captured galleon to Elephant Lagoon and the captivity of himself and his eminent passengers there until their salvation by the expeditionary force from the Cape, led by Schreuder and Lord Cumbrae.

Anyhow, the real crafty advantage of sending a volunteer, is that, if you should not return, as is confidently expected, the military will probably send a fully-fledged expeditionary force to Tsuris, even declare war as they sincerely want to.

They recover the map without incident, and the expeditionary force embarks for the inner regions of Virga, an area known as the principalities of Candesce.

Boca Osa was not in the least pleased to be forced to afford lodging to armed troops of the excommunicant French trespassers, still less to courteously entertain their snobbish officers, some of whom he recognized anyway as men he and his expeditionary force had driven out of this very town after their suicidal commander had blown up the French fort with him in it.

Hutt expeditionary vessel increased shields as they followed Mineral Exploiter Beta through the asteroid belt.

The expeditionary force will form three separate columns of attack, advance under cover of darkness and total silence along diverging routes of march, turn at predesignated points and converge upon Able Hill in a three-pronged pincer movement.