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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Expectorate \Ex*pec"to*rate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Expectorated; p. pr. & vb. n. Expectorating.] [L. expecrorare to drive from the breast; ex out + pectus, pectiris, breast. See Pectoral.] To eject from the trachea or lungs; to discharge, as phlegm or other matter, by coughing, hawking, and spitting; to spit forth.


vb. (present participle of expectorate English)

Usage examples of "expectorating".

He waited for Nyquist's next remark, hoping it would include something humorous, an epic quip or two that would make Nyquist himself flash his fizzing teeth and gums in the sort of uncontrollable expectorating glee that Billy associated with the handicapped.

The dark giant acquired a habit of scowling blackly at Renny, and expectorating in a most annoying fashion when Renny, playing the part of Champ Dugan to its utmost, began bragging about what a great fighter he was in the air and on the ground.

Chouma,' he said in a guttural voice as if he were expectorating rather than speaking.