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adv. In an expectant manner.


adv. in an expectant manner; "she looked at him expectantly"

Usage examples of "expectantly".

As soon as they were firmly in place, Willa leaned forward expectantly, and with almost awed reverence, Abel bent his head to press his lips to hers.

The three Columban brothers ranged themselves between the Stone and the trestle table, Abbot Fingon nearest the end with the basin and ewer, all of them expectantly facing the west.

Suzanne remained expectantly in attendance, and Domini, having nothing to do, and seeing no bench to rest on, walked slowly up and down the hall near the entrance.

But at last the armymore than two thousand in allgrew silent, waiting expectantly for what he would say.

Sheila steered into the Hays driveway, cut the engine, and watched Melanie expectantly over the seat back.

Daise looking for him expectantly, Edelle and Milla automatically smoothing their skirts, Elwinn just as unconsciously drawing her braid over her shoulder and arranging it carefully.

A black plastic body bag lay on the stretcher, and one of the men deftly unzipped it and folded it open before glancing expectantly at Sacher, who spoke to them in German and gestured toward the bathroom door.

The Speeds in their rows began to tremble as their pilots powered up, almost expectantly, like thoroughbreds at a starting gate.

She handed most of the fungus to the two springtails, which devoured it greedily and looked expectantly for more.

Bek and Grianne were struggling to ascend, Quentin Leah looked up expectantly from his breakfast of bread and cheese as Kian appeared out of the trees below the trailhead and began to climb toward him.

As he shifted, both Agius and Biscop Antonia turned to look at him expectantly, as if they could sense the hidden rose.

When I drew close, Boyd shot to his feet and looked at me expectantly.

Outside of the bulwarks their eager crews with one hand clung to the rail, while one foot was expectantly poised on the gunwale.

The machine guns traversed expectantly, firing short bursts into the heaped carcasses, shattering already mutilated flesh, or tore clouds of dust and flying shale from the rounded lips of the deep water holes, from the cover of which a sporadic fire still popped and crackled.

Picard, Will Riker, Data, Deanna Troi, Geordi La Forge, and Ensign Ro waited expectantly in the observation lounge as the door slid open and Worf entered with a young Klingon dressed in gray pants and tunic.