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The Collaborative International Dictionary

expansiveness \expansiveness\ n.

  1. a quality characterized by magnificence of scale; as, the expansiveness of their extravagant lifestyle was soon curtailed.

  2. a friendly open trait of a talkative person.

    Syn: effusiveness.


n. The state of being expansive

  1. n. a quality characterized by magnificence of scale; "the expansiveness of their extravagant life style was soon curtailed"

  2. a friendly open trait of a talkative person [syn: effusiveness]

Usage examples of "expansiveness".

In this sense he felt contractedness to be the predominant characteristic of Earth and Water, expansiveness that of Air and Fire.

We know also that this last state is characterized by a high degree of expansiveness, which is also the outstanding property of heat.

He well knew that long letters were neither asked nor expected, it being no humanistic or literary circle to which he addressed himself down there, and the replies he received were equally lacking in expansiveness.

The omnilateral expansiveness of the power to act demonstrates the ontological basis of transvaluation, that is, its capacity not only to destroy the values that descend from the transcendental realm of measure but also to create new values.

We know also that this last state is characterized by a high degree of expansiveness, which is also the outstanding property of heat.

But this, again, was negatived by the fact that, during the afternoon's shooting, young Leath had been in a mood of almost extravagant expansiveness, and that, from the moment of his late return to the house till just before dinner, there had been, to Darrow's certain knowledge, no possibility of a private talk between himself and his step-mother.