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n. (plural of exotic English)

Usage examples of "exotics".

The Exotics of Mara and Kultis may be robed magicians who can turn a man inside out and find answers outside philosophy.

Never mind that the Exotics had always read Blunt's writings with a difference, seeing the message in them to be one of tearing up the weeds of the present, so that there would be room for the flowers of the future to grow.

There were no physicists like the physicists from Newton, no psychologists like those from the Exotics, no conscript hired troops as cheap and careless of casualty losses as those from Harmony and Association—and so on.

Put briefly, and somewhat crudely, we on the Exotics believe that Man is improvable.

For if either the Exotics or someone like Mark Tbrre should put in a demand for my contract from the Earth government, I might as well kiss good-bye all hopes of working my way eventually into the News Services Guild.

It was this same struggle that the Exotics were attempting to encompass with their strange magics of the psychological and philosophical sciences.

It was strange, very strange it seemed to me then, that of all the hundreds of types and sorts of human societies which had taken seed on the younger planets, that a society of religious fanatics should turn out, along with the soldier type of the Dorsai World, the philosopher type of the Exotics, and the hard-science-minded people of Newton and Venus, to be one of the few distinct great Splinter Cultures to grow and flourish as human colonies between the stars.

The Exotics, rich and powerful, and philosophically committed not to do violence in their own proper persons, hired the best mercenary troops to be had between the stars.

As far as I knew the Exotics had no stake in this civil war on New Earth—important enough to the world on which it was occurring, but small compared to other matters between the sixteen worlds and the stars.

The Exotics, like Earth, Mars, Freiland, Dorsai, and the little Catholic Christian world of Ste.

The Exotics, therefore, being "loose" worlds, were automatically in opposition to the "tight" worlds of the Friendlies.

There might be some secret tangle of contractual balances concerning the Exotics and the Friendlies I knew nothing about.

No more than the Exotics who had trained her almost from the cradle would she tell me what to do.

The decision to borrow Kensie from the Exotics was taken independently on the spur of the moment by the Cassidan Levies Command, and there was no way Kensie's Intelligence Unit could have known in advance about the attack Bright had ordered.

With the general liking for the Exotics on the other twelve worlds, what attention my series of articles had obtained was completely wiped out.