adv. In an exotic manner
Usage examples of "exotically".
Ayla could have two outfits that were so exotically beautiful, yet so different from each other, but she was afraid to say too much, for fear Ayla might feel required to give her this one, too.
At the same time, the exotically transformed Jess Tamblyn arrived at Rendezvous.
Lwaxana adjusted her elaborate headpiece, a large affair with exotically upswept sidepieces of gleaming black metal.
With a touseled mane of chestnut hair given luster by artfully applied blond highlights, eyes subtly but exotically shadowed, mouth too lushly painted with deep-coral lipstick, a just-right tan, disablingly long fingernails painted to match the lipstick, and enough silvery costume jewelry to stock a display case, she would have been the perfect advertisement if women had been a product for sale in every local market.
And just then, out there, like Hounds let loose, the church bells of America all begin to toll, peculiarly lucid in the fog, a dense Carillon, tun'd so exotically, they might be playing anything, Methodist hymns, Opera-hall Airs, jigs and gigues, work songs of sailors, Italian serenades, British Ballads, American Marches.
The originator of this research was the maverick James McConnell, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, who in a series of papers during the 1960s, first in conventional scientific journals and then in his own publication, the exotically named Worm-Runners Digest-, reported experiments in which flatworms, trained by pairing light with electric shock, were chopped up and other, 'naive' (that is, untrained) worms allowed to cannibalize them.
He had sun-beaten features and a silvery beard, exotically platted into two long strands.
They pedaled their fins, moving only an arm's length above the weird and exotically molded underwater jungle, observed queerly by a crowd of small angelfish, pufferfish, and trumpetfish.
I walked fast past the doors of the darkly carpeted casino, not wanting to be seen or spoken to, only glancing out of the corner of my eye at the naked slaves navigating gracefully the endless sea of tables, trays held high as they hurried to take orders, to serve wine, liquor, exotically coloured and decorated drinks.