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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Exogamous \Ex*og"a*mous\, a. [Exo- + Gr. ? marriage.] Relating to exogamy; marrying outside of the limits of one's own tribe; -- opposed to endogenous.


a. (context biology marriage English) Of or relating to exogamy.

  1. adj. characterized by or fit for fertilization by a flower that is not closely related [syn: exogamic] [ant: autogamous, endogamous]

  2. pertaining to or characterized by the custom of marrying only outside the limits of a clan or tribe [syn: exogamic] [ant: endogamous]

Usage examples of "exogamous".

Kayapi, he is the product of an exogamous uniona mating outside the incestuous kinship group of the Xemahoaand, just as in some other cultures a child of incest would be a child of shame, so here the child of exogamy comes in for stigma.

These may have been selected for, considering the high mobility of women, in virtue of practices in exogamous mating, enslavements, sales, captures, and such, assisting them to placate, and accommodate themselves to, foreign masters.

The most conservative Landfolk maintained less far-reaching and deep-going blood ties—every ship and its attendants an extended family, strictly exogamous and, without making a fuss about it, moral—not to speak of faith, tradition, law, custom, arts, skills, hopes, fears altogether different.

Great-grandmother, but in a Family's tangled exogamous web of greats, second and third cousins and nieces and nephews on lives extended by time dilation and rejuv, you compressed generations unless you were seriously trying to track what you were to each other.