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vb. (en-past of: exhale)


adj. let or forced out of the lungs; breathed out; "an exhaled sigh" [ant: inhaled]

Usage examples of "exhaled".

Drawing her hips against his, Chase exhaled heavily and drew her fully against him, resting his jaw against her head as he began slowly massaging the small of her hack.

He stared at her, then exhaled heavily, his anger settling into a heavy, resigned feeling.

Chase exhaled heavily and pressed his cheek against the top of her head.

In the breathless moment of arrival, before any of them inhaled or exhaled, Dylan heard the click of a passkey in a lock and then the scrape of the deadbolt being disengaged in a slow and cautious fashion meant to make as little noise as feasible.

Folding from the magnificent barrenness of the desert to the glory of Tahoe, Jilly exhaled the possibility of scorpions and cactus moths, inhaled air stirred by butterflies and by brown darting birds.

Tahoe, Jilly exhaled the possibility of scorpions and cactus moths, inhaled air stirred by butterflies and by brown darting birds.

He exhaled, and she saw the thrill in his eyes, felt it in her own chest.

Halting a few steps from the desk, he drew a deep breath and exhaled, trying to find the words to relate his reason for this visit.

When he finally shook his head, she exhaled and closed her eyes in thankful prayer.

The horse, tired now of the game, exhaled and sighed as she buckled the girth snugly into place.

She exhaled, got out her Prince William County detail map, and found Cherry Hill Road.

Javan not to fall, exhaled in a slow, relaxed sigh and the priest subsided on the stool, head bowing onto his chest.

Queron drew a deep breath and exhaled it as fully as he could, as if steeling himself for something either unpleasant or dangerous.

Queron stretched and flexed the fingers of his right hand and smiled as he exhaled softly.

Drawing a slow, steadying breath, she lifted her head to the shadowed ceiling overhead, forcing her doubts back beyond conscious concern, then exhaled softly, balance restored.